Saturday, October 19, 2013

What's Cool in the World Today


  • Watch the "Baloney Detection Kit" on Skeptic. This is one of my favorite sites. It's about education, science, and sound reasoning. I first saw Dr. Shermer on an episode of Bullshit with Penn and Teller. I've been a fan ever since.

  • The self-deprecating James Altucher offers his musings on his site. I'm a big fan of his efforts and philosophy. This guy is a truly alternative thinker that believes failure is an integral part of success.

  • Alessandro Acquisti has an interesting view of privacy on TED. I love TED. It is one of the best alternatives to regular television programming or other mindless garbage.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Macabre or Morbid Artistic Expression?

It doesn't matter what it is, these photos are awesome.  The article was posted by the HuffPost and has some interesting commentary about the shots, how they were "posed" and Lake Natron itself.  The photographer is Nick Brandt and his photos are all awesome.  Here is his home page. Below is one of my favorites of his.

Photos by Nick Brandt.