Friday, May 1, 2015


We love to put faces on things...even the sun. This was on the wall in the patio area at McMenamins in Troutdale.

This was an exquisite sheet metal sculpture outside an art gallery in Hood River Oregon.

This bronze work is an egret water fountain at the Oregon Health and Science University in Portland.

Another bronze fountain at OHSU.

This is another interesting sheet metal work at OHSU, Oregon. 

This man rabbit or mabbit is supposedly holding his dog in his last minutes of life.

My sister thought this was sad. But I thought it was just a little a good way. This statue is all bronze and very heavy. OHSU second level.

This was quite interesting at the OHSU. A mother and her baby.
And then there are the alien faces...

More alien faces...

And even more alien faces...

Yes, more alien faces.
Enough said.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Murals or Morals...

 I stumbled upon this in the 2nd floor stairwell of the Art Department at the university.  It appears to be charcoal or graphite or both.  It looked like it was more than 6 feet wide and around 10 feet tall...hanging on the wall.  It's not a mural but a canvas with a fixative or sealant of some kind. I was amazed at some of the shading.  I could not figure out what the seams were.  They may have been creases where it was folded in order to move it.

 A closer look at the top of the canvas. Notice how some of the people figures in the drawing are "drawing the drawing." My speculation is that like other works of art on display in the Art Department, this was made by students.  Notice also the arm of the large figure reaching out like that of Michelangelo's Creation of Adam.

This shot shows the canvas in the stairwell and gives a bit of perspective of the size.  What is amazing to me is how a limited amount of media in talented hands can be so expressive.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Herb Caen--The Original Blogger

Long before there were blogs, and long before there was an Internet, there were newspapers. Yes! Newspapers! That's how the news got around the world for a while... a long while. And while objective journalism has always been an issue throughout the centuries of journalistic reporting, journalistic integrity has been a co-issue. Passion is what drives most journalists, and hopefully, not ego. If anyone wants an example of passion and integrity look no farther than San Francisco. One of the most noteworthy and loved journalists worked and lived here. Herb Caen wrote a post in the San Francisco papers The Chronicle and The Examiner, mostly The Chronicle, every day for nearly 60 years. That's dedication. That's passion. That's integrity.

In some circles he came to be known as Mr. San Francisco describing The City in a way that might almost be a microcosmic metaphor for the world. Everyday he typed up his submissions on his trusty Royal typewriter. Here's to you Herb. Some of us still remember you and appreciate your contribution to the world. A world before blogs, blogging, and the internet. A world where you were in touch with the world and yet ahead of your time...


Sunday, January 11, 2015

HUZZAH !!! The Renaissance Faire !!!

The Danse Macabre Guild scares away Death with music and street dancing. They start at a secret entrance in the food court of Willingtown and proceed through the entire town to trick Death into passing over the town by posing as the dead themselves. This is accomplished by the liberal use of skeletons, death masks, and morose music played by the guild.

The Coin Master prepares another strike. The coin medallions are usually bronze, but can be silver or even gold. You can choose a stamp design for each side of your coin. The sigil of Robin (Caesar) is the Stag.

The Queen and the Yeomen of the Guard proceeding through Willingtown on a show of goodwill. The Queen entertains citizens with a lunch occasionally and attends the Jousts in the afternoon.

Sir Micheal poses as Robin debates the particulars of the range with the range master at the Knife Throwing Range.

Robin looking a bit perplexed at the knife. His forte is the throwing axe, and the bow.

Sir Micheal and Robin throwing knives on the range.

A celebratory drink by Sir Micheal and Robin on knives well-thrown.

Sir Micheal ready to throw stars.

Sir Micheal throwing stars.

Sir Micheal's stars thrown.

Robin throwing stars.

Robin's stars thrown. DO NOT FUCK WITH ROBIN HOOD!!!

Drinks drunk from stars well-thrown.

Sir Micheal is about indulge in a turkey leg as the local tavern wench photo bombs.

Lady Stacie enjoys fruit ice on a day that is nearly 100 degrees.

Sir Micheal faces off with the villainous Toddler on the main street of Willingtown.

Sir Micheal emerges victorious!!!
Jousters preparing to joust!!!

 Jousters facing off!!!

A fallen Jouster being attended to by his squire.

Jousters in hand to hand combat on horseback. The games are particularly fierce combat.

Lady Samwise posing with one of the champions.

A grim visage from a champion of the games.

Lady Samwise posing with a champion.

Camp Zombie and friends on the SwingRide in Willingtown.

The drunken SwingRide crew appreciating their work well-done.

Musical fair abounds at the Faire.