Friday, February 13, 2015

Herb Caen--The Original Blogger

Long before there were blogs, and long before there was an Internet, there were newspapers. Yes! Newspapers! That's how the news got around the world for a while... a long while. And while objective journalism has always been an issue throughout the centuries of journalistic reporting, journalistic integrity has been a co-issue. Passion is what drives most journalists, and hopefully, not ego. If anyone wants an example of passion and integrity look no farther than San Francisco. One of the most noteworthy and loved journalists worked and lived here. Herb Caen wrote a post in the San Francisco papers The Chronicle and The Examiner, mostly The Chronicle, every day for nearly 60 years. That's dedication. That's passion. That's integrity.

In some circles he came to be known as Mr. San Francisco describing The City in a way that might almost be a microcosmic metaphor for the world. Everyday he typed up his submissions on his trusty Royal typewriter. Here's to you Herb. Some of us still remember you and appreciate your contribution to the world. A world before blogs, blogging, and the internet. A world where you were in touch with the world and yet ahead of your time...