Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Context/Setting - Focus

An almost perfectly in focus rose with a riverside setting in the background.  The feel is that the flower is the theme/object here.  Soquel River, Capitola Village.

Now the same shot but the riverside is now in focus.  The feel is now that this is a riverside theme.  Capitola Village.

A plant on a post (pile) is obviously the object of the frame...it's in focus and filling the frame in a prominent fashion.  The background is very out-of-focus but does give a good background "texture."  Humboldt Bay.

Pulled back, the still out-of-focus background adds more than just texture, there is a different setting and context.  The object in the foreground is still in focus.  Humboldt Bay.

That same setting panned to the right, a slightly different context with some aviary and motion.  Humboldt Bay.

Now almost the same setting but with the background more in focus and the foreground object out of focus...a different context.  Humboldt Bay.

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