Saturday, June 29, 2013

Lopez Island

The San Juan islands are directly between Vancouver, British Columbia and Anacortes, Washington. The ferry ride from Anacortes to the San Juan islands takes about an hour and a half, so bring snacks and reading material. The food, coffee and other drinks that only a few of the ferries serve are dreadful and overpriced. Bring your own! Near Padilla Bay.
Many of the islands are very small, and some of them have houses, although I would imagine that modern amenities like running water and electricity would be absent. Near the Stait of Juan de Fuca.
We visited Lopez in late March. Apparently, this was the off-season. We encountered only a few people and at times I felt like I was on the island of Myst. The beaches were all pristine and I noticed no litter of any kind anywhere.
Rusted statuary on Lopez. The theme of fish was prevalent and fish images appeared everywhere...if you noticed and looked.
Another rusted fish statue on Lopez.
A pic of both rusted statues on Lopez.

This was a rusted all metal tractor at the corner of someone's driveway and the main road on Lopez. This seemed like a common practice, not just with tractors but boats and other things as well.

A different angle of that same rusted tractor on Lopez.
At a different driveway just down the road on Lopez, someone has put a boat out in front.

This was one of three boats on display at a roadside property on Lopez.
The second of three boats at that property.
And the third boat at that same property

These two characters walked straight up to me. I was at a fenceline on the road, but I don't think that would have mattered. They weren't shy and puffed and strutted about without any fear of me. Lopez Island.
A closer shot of one of the natives of Lopez Island.

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