Sunday, January 6, 2013

Frame Content and Balance

A fawn in a glade. Zooming in a bit may have helped enhance the youngling, but this has good balance as-is. Woodley Island.'s a shrub in the shape of a boat.  Shot at an oblique to give depth, detail, and perspective.  Cropping out the left side would enhance the object...but we don't do that on this project.  Woodley Island.

Known as the "Rusty Fisherman" by the locals, this statue is made of the Statue of Liberty.  Balanced with a shoreline of Indian Island in the background, it has a panoramic look and feel.  It has a bit too much sky for my liking, but that could be cropped with a photo editing program.  True to the spirit of this project, the pic is presented it its original frame.  Woodley Island.

An example of how a straight on shot does not give much detail of the object.  Woodley Island.

A straight on side shot can also be wanting for a bit more content in the frame.  Zooming out might have helped.  Woodley Island.

A better pic with more 9-balance and a little motion/activity.  Woodley Island.

This would have been a better shot in burst mode with manual focus.  It's also a little overexposed. Woodley Island.

This pic has a majestic feel to it.  The buck is off center with the rack almost right in the middle.  Woodley Island.

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