Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Landscapes are a challenge.  Getting that "epic" feel can be elusive. Near Boulder, CO.

That same scape from a different angle has a completely different look.  Near Boulder.

Again that same scape but pulled back (or zoomed out) has a more panoramic look.  Near Boulder.

And panning a bit to the right gets that same rock "spine" diminishing into the horizon. Near Boulder.

This has 9-balance, a big look, and visually engaging.  The power lines and tower detract a bit.  Near Boulder.

Landscapes don't need to be big...they can be small.  This has perspective (depth), and good balance.  The garden area, Alcatraz.

Shooting structure with garden landscapes can balance organic versus inorganic content in the frame.  Alcatraz.

Another scape with a nice balance of structure in the background. Alcatraz.

This approaches a cityscape with a hazy San Francisco skyline in the background.  Frame-cropping the right or a slightly different angle of shot could have eliminated those detractors to the right of the frame.  Alcatraz.

This is also landscape/cityscape with Yerba Buena island and the Bay Bridge in the background.  The afternoon sun is casting a harsh shadow from the right wall onto the garden.  Choosing the time of a shot is important, too.  Perhaps a bit earlier would have illuminated the entire garden without too much shadow.  Alcatraz.

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