Sunday, April 21, 2013

Pictorial Art ~ Murals

The Dirty Brushes art club is hard at work making the drab blue construction barrier around the student union renovation more appealing at SJSU.  The barricade was painted blue to discourage graffiti

One good example of the many works on Portrait Row.  On this day most of the murals were too distorted with the dappled shading of the nearby trees to give them justice.  The Dirty Brushes artists emulate the styles of the original self-portrait artist in their works.  Proximate to the Art Department at SJSU.

Stepping back to see the work in progress.  These pictorial artists are challenged with reproducing the portrait in that dappled sunlight that can throw off the color and shading of the effort.  Near the Art quad at SJSU.

Working on the finishing touches.  Art majors have to take several semesters of anthropology, world language, and photography.  Near the Art Department of SJSU.

Pictorial art warriors hard at fun.  This kind of work is an effort of passion and not even close to a definition of "work."  San Jose State University.

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