Saturday, April 6, 2013

Stutuary ~ Tribal Chief

This statue was the first thing I encountered at the McMenamin's Edgefield resort lodge in Troutdale, Oregon. The slightly oversized head makes it a bit abstract and interesting.  The resort is on 74 acres, has numerous bars and lounging areas, and a very nice restaurant.  We planned to stay only an hour or so to eat breakfast, but we ended up staying over half the day. This is just a few minutes away from the major Portland metropolitan area.

This shot is a particularly nice bust shot. The verdigris patina adds to the expressiveness. There were other statues and works of art all over the lodging grounds.  The experience was almost like that of a treasure hunt or a mystery adventure. I never knew when and where I would find was truly and interactive and engaging experience. Troutdale, OR.

It looks tribal, especially with the plant in the head as a headdress. And there seems to be an expression on his face. I imagine him to be some kind of tribal chief or shaman looking up to the gods in some sort of ritual offering. Troutdale, OR.

In its display setting, it's the centerpiece in the small auto carousel (or roundabout) at the entrance to the main building of the Edgefield lodge. This was just one of countless pieces of art throughout the lodge and surrounding grounds. At times I felt as if I were in a labrynth or maze. I could have spent much more time there. I definitely plan to return. Troutdale, OR,

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