Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Art ~ Temas Oscuros

We all live around artistic activity.  My roommate, Greg, is an artist.  He paints, draws, and is a musician. All of these works are his.
This 10.5" x 13.5" acrylic is a self-portrait. He invoked the expressionism style with this work.

A 13.5" x 17.5" acrylic of a dark theme in the style of expressionism as opposed to impressionismHuman skulls and skull symbols have been used in a variety of different works of art, art styles, and cultures for much of history.

This 15.5" x 21.5" work is a color pencil drawing of a photo from a National Geographic issue. Notice the tear in the left eye. She's in mourning. Pencil drawings of this style take large amounts of time to complete. Layers and layers of shading are required...along with a lot patience.

This was a cropped pencil drawing of a full portrait photo. This smaller work of 4" x 8" actually took longer to produce than the "Mourning Lady" above.

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