Sunday, September 7, 2014

)'( BURNING MAN )'( Art on The Playa )'(

I had just driven over 10 hours and I was exhausted. But as soon as I got to Zombie Camp I had to do a walkabout. Deep in The Playa on my first night I walked upon a neon blue Man. It was 3:00 o'clock in the morning, and I had no idea where I was on The Playa. The next day it was burned. I looked but could find no trace of it afterward.

This mechanical bird spreads its wings by a passenger pedaling inside its rib cage. Somewhere on The Playa.

The spread wings of the mechanical bird.

 "The Embrace" on the eve before it was burned. The lighting had all been removed and barricades put up in preparation for its burn. Some of the major artwork on The Playa is burned much in the same style as The Man and The Temple but earlier in the week.

"The Embrace" hours before it was burned. This shot shows some perspective. It looks to be about 50 feet tall. Deep in The Playa... The next day, I went to look at the burn site but could not find a trace.

Very deep in The Playa, I found an egg. There is art everywhere on The Playa and you don't know what you will find. In the end, everything will be cleaned up including every last shard of the hatched egg. There would be no trace that anyone was ever out here. I found this near where "The Embrace" was burned.

These seemingly innocuous trees look radically different at night when they are illuminated with neon LEDs. Burning Man is actually two different worlds: daytime and nighttime. Black Rock City is like Las never sleeps. And in my opinion, it's much more alive and vibrant at night. At 2:00am on the edge of The Playa.

 More trees which will express themselves at night with neon LEDs. At 2:00am on the edge of The Playa.

 A kinetic sculpture of our solar system. actually moves realistically. Somewhere on the edge of The Playa.

 Metal artwork at the center of a major intersection near Hiburnia bar.

An illuminated tree at night. Deep in the Playa.

This mechanical contraption burns large chunks of wood charcoal. Visually stunning from a distance this looks like a sphere on fire. But up close it's just two wheel-shaped cages. Somewhere deep in The Playa.

The burning wheels closer up.

  Another view of the burning wheels.

This tower is at 6:00pm and Esplanade. A person can climb up on the inside and get a pretty good view of the entire or night.

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