Wednesday, September 17, 2014

)'( )'( THE BURNING MAN BURNS )'( )'(

Fireworks announce The Burn at the dead center of The Playa.

The Man starts on fire in an unlikely spot...his right leg.

More fireworks and the citizens of Black Rock City cheer as The Fire grows.

The Fire moves up The Man.

The Man burns...

And burns some more...

Another spectacular round of fireworks as fire has almost completely engulfed The Man.

More fireworks and The Man's arms have fallen.

What was recognizable as The Man has almost completely burned.

The skeleton burns now.

The skeleton and the fuel piles are all that burn. In moments, The Man will fall. The citizens will dissipate eventually, and within hours the cleanup will begin. The next morning, there will be no trace that this large wooden effigy was there or that it was burned there.

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