Tuesday, September 9, 2014

)'( BURNING MAN )'( Life on The Playa )'(

An occasional bath or "clean" is not only refreshing it's a boost to morale. Even if only for an hour, this wash in a bucket does make you feel really good.

F#cking around at Zombie Camp. During the hot hours of the day, usually between 11am and 3pm, the best thing to do is hang out in the shade somewhere.

Visitors bring tequila and good tidings.

A resident of Zombie Camp prepares a crystalline chalice for some tequila.

A Zombie Camp resident poses for the camera.

Other residents of Zombie Camp enjoy afternoon tea.

Bikes, art cars, and mutant vehicles are the best methods of transportation in the city and Playa.

If there are no dust storms, The Man is usually a landmark by which most can guide themselves in the city and on The Playa. Take note of the parachutist to the far right. They dropped in on several days and at dusk with fireworks. It was quite a visual experience.

These may look like abandoned bikes, and they probably are. Sometimes people put down their bikes and catch a ride on an art car. Other times....who knows. In the end, some of these bikes will find their owners, or will be collected and sold at the next festival.

This is an official post office run entirely by volunteers. Even the delivery of mail is done by volunteers. Stamps are not for sale and may have to be bartered for in creative ways...

Bars are everywhere and not regulated, but they do check identification to ensure proper age. Anyone can set up a bar. The festival is an adult-themed activity.

That is not an actual Kentucky Fried Chicken, but they did cook up some good grilled cheese sandwiches.

The wonderful whiskey bar Hiburnia.

The proprietor of Hiburnia.

Everything is pimped out at the city. Radical self-expression is a major theme.

Nudity is everywhere, but not everyone is nude. Parents who bring children to The Burning Man should probably accompany their children at all times so as to keep them from being exposed to age-inappropriate situations.

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