Tuesday, September 23, 2014

)'( )'( BURNING MAN )'( )'( THE TEMPLE )'( )'(

 The day after The Man burns is somber and lower energy. The citizens of Black Rock are introspective and considering the ride home and the world that awaits them.
  The glorious burn is catharsis. And like The Phoenix that emerges from the ashes, the citizens will leave this completely human-made city of human expression to go forth and live 51 weeks in a different world.

 The Temple is absolutely beautiful. Ornate and well-constructed, citizens find this the ideal place to meditate and pray.

  The pendulum is constructed to be aligned precisely over the centerpiece below.

Citizens gather at The Temple to hear a live symphony orchestra. It was divine.

 The Temple burns the evening after The Man burns. The mood is subdued and the energy much lower. This is a much more spiritual occasion than The Burning of The Man.
Fire dancers on The Playa after The Temple burn.

  The day after The Temple burn is clean-up. Grey water is not dumped directly on the ground. Instead, there is The Dance...the Water Dance.

The Water Dance.

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